Saturday, April 20, 2019

Mütternander 2019 - Changing the World

After 9 months of planning and preparations, this year's 2019 Mütternander Conference was a huge success! This year's "Mama's Day Out" brought together 250 moms for a day at a church in Baden. The theme was "changing the world" and the main speaker, Jill Savage, how we can influence the world through our relationships and parenting. It was truly a blessed day, and it was a privilege to watch women connect and be encouraged. I am especially thankful for the chance to work together with 7 other amazing moms in putting this day together. I'm so thankful for our team and the great way we collaborated together on this conference, as well as the friendships that have come out of it!

Here are a few photo highlights from this great day!

1 comment:

  1. Remember attending this conference a few years after it started....what a WONDERFUL treat and build up and strengthening it was for me as a very glad so many others can benefit as well. May the Lord continue to increase the numbers of women benefitting from this amazing event!


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