It is our pleasure to announce that
Maya Elizabeth Johnson made her entrance into the world on Thursday, October 20th at 12:16 am, weighing 7 lb. 4 oz. and measuring 20.5 inches. Mama and Maya are doing very well and should be going home soon.
Maya's arrival was a bit of a challenging and emotional journey, but we are very thankful for the final outcome and that Bethany's recovery is going well. We had been hoping for a VBAC, but after many hours of labor, very little progress and some increased risks, we agreed with the doctor's recommendation for a c-section. Thankfully, everything went very smoothly, and Bethany was up and around the next day. Maya has been sleeping and eating well, and she enjoyed meeting her big sister on Thursday afternoon. Thanks for your prayer for our family!
Our first family photo (minus the other two minions, Ellie & Mozzy) |
Big sister and baby sister meet
Sleeping on her first day of life...lots to take in! |
And now with eyes open! |